Fusion Skyer HyperFace Range

1 099 kr


Skyer Hyperface Range

  • A Skyer closer to it’s original roots but with with up to date technology and new ease of use features.
  • The Skyer was invented by Bill Cornford and his son James, a former minor counties and county second XI player.
  • Though many have attempted to copy the idea the Skyer remains the benchmark for many Elite coaches and its guaranteed to make life easier and improve the quality of your delivery.
  • New Skyer Range has replaced rubber grip with a tennis/hockey style grip which eliminates the problem of grips riding up the handle which was a massive bugbear of ours and probably every coach that ever lived.
  • Every Skyer in the HyperFace range is handmade and assembled in the UK by Skyer founder James Cornford. As a stamp of quality each is signed and given a unique number.

Top Tip

The HyperFace loves the warmth. Place the pad in the Sun or on a radiator to increase performance. Watch your players hands though!

Why Three Sizes?
Every coach is different, we come in different shapes and sizes, different ages and genders. Some are stronger than others, some train the best players in the world whilst others are coaching  our grassroots players. Whilst our Skyers are suitable for all levels of Cricket, there will be one more suited to each individual coach and their requirements. How long are your fielding sessions? How strong are you? How far do you need to hit? These are some of the questions you should ask.

How they are made?
The crucial HyperFaces are made for us in Germany and that company is the only ones in the World who make this material. They are then sent to a factory in Glasgow where they are cut to size and the sloped chamfer is added. The Chamfer is an amendment to the previous model. The sloped end is part of the original design but made of the same material. This was wasteful and added weight to the Skyer. The slope serves no performance advantage and therefore it was replaced with a very lightweight foam, saving  weight. These finished pads then goes to James at his workshop where he shapes them to the blade, before painting and gluing them ready for use.

Ytterligare information



Skyer Range

Max, Mini


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